4. Shooting Union

The exposition devoted to the Kežmarok shooters union is situated in three rooms of the entrance tower´s second floor. It´s the unique exposition of its kind in Slovakia.

According to the tradition it was founded already in 1510 and belongs to the oldest shooting unions within the Spiš area. Its main task was to protect the town citizens against enemies.

Fotografia pochodujúcich členov streleckého spolku na námestí v Kežmarku pri ceste na tzv. kráľovskú streľbu. Fotografia Alfréda Zwickera, člena streleckého spolku, vynikajúceho strelca - povolaním obchodníka.

Town craftsmen, teachers and priests were members of this union. Internal rules were based on the principles of guilds and crafs. In the course of the 18th century the union gradually changed into an entertainment community. The union perished during the World War II. and hasn´t been reestablished anymore.

Okrúhly drevený terč z tzv. slobodnej streľby Kežmarského streleckého spolku, ktorá sa konala 10. júla 1798. Pamätný strelecký terč namaľovaný pre pivovarníka Vincenta Meeseho, člena Streleckého spolku v Kežmarku, ktorý vyhral strelecké preteky v streľbe "do klinca" (Nagelschuss) dňa 18. júla 1872.
Cena streleckého spolku 1870 - 1910 Cena streleckého spolku v Kežmarku 1900 - 1910

So-called royal shootings, in other words shooting competitions where the competitors were shooting at targets from a distance 500 meters. The winners received various precious prizes, e.g. silverware, gilded cups etc. In memory of the winners, their names were written on the targets. Wooden, metal and memorial targets, various rifles, badges, sashes, the union´s chest and photos of the competition´s winners rank among the most precious pieces of the collection.

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