12. The Chapel

The Chapel was built in the early Baroque style by rebuilding the original Gothic-Renaissance residential part of the castle in 1657-1658.

Stefan II. Thokoly let the chapel build for his wife, Maria Gyulaffy. Maria could have a look in the chapel through a window from her bedroom; the window can be still seen on the right side. She had a direct entrance to the choir where an organ was once located. She died at the age of 22, soon after the chapel was completed in 1659, and left his husband 6 children. In 1660, Maria was buried into a crypt.

In the mid 18th century, the chapel was invaded by the king´s soldiers; the tinny coffin of Maria was smashed and her bones were being thrown at the courtyard.

Vyrezávaný drevený obraz na pamiatku Adolfa Wildburga.

On the left side of the chapel there is a wooden carved picture in memory of Adolf Wildburg, who died in 1866 in the Austro-Prussian War. The picture was carved by Gustav Adolf Weisz, a famous carver, as Adolf´s father wished.

Celkový pohľad na fresky, ktoré sa nachádzajú na klenbe kaplnky.

Centrálny motív Ježiš a 12 apoštolov
Betlehemský výjav - pastieri Betlehemský výjav - Traja králi

The chapel has a single aisle and is richly decorated with stucco decorations by unknown Italian maestros. Frescos display the scenes from the Old and the New Testament.

Oltár - ústredný motív Ukrižovania

Wooden furniture consists mainly of the altar with the central image of Crucifixion. Above you can see the Thokoly´s family coat-of-arms. On the altar sides there are statues of Hungarian Kings, i.e. St.Stephen and St. Ladislav (on the right) and St.Imrich and the statue of an unknown king (Sigismund?) on the left.

Oltár - obraz Nanebovstúpenie

Above the Thokoly´s coat of arms there is a picture of Resurrection , above a Maria Gyulaffy´s family coat of arms and at the top of the altar you can see Ascension motif. The altar is decorated with 25 figural carvings, most of them carved by unknown artists.

The altar and the pulpit are made from linden wood. Nowadays, the chapel is used for the purposes of civil weddings and cultural events.

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